Saturday, October 24, 2009

Baker & McKenzie revamps management committees

Baker & McKenzie London partner Beatriz Pessoa de Araujo has been elected to the firm’s international executive committee, freeing a space on the London management committee.

Araujo, who has been with the firm since 1985, has served on the London management team for the past five years. Disputes partner Tom Cassels has taken her place on the London team.

Araujo joins Mexico City partner Raymundo Enriquez and Brussels partner Koen Vanhaerents as new members of the executive committee. They replace Barcelona partner Rafael Jimenez-Gusi, Caracas partner Roberto Mendoza and Paris partner Eric Lasry, who return to full-time practice.

Firmwide chairman John Conroy said Araujo, Enriquez and Vanhaerents have been strong contributors to the firm during their time as partners, adding that their leadership skills would be valuable in advancing firm strategy.

The executive committee is the firm’s leadership body, responsible for areas such as developing and executing the strategy, financial performance and partner relations.

Other members of the committee include Peter Engstrom in San Francisco, Alan Harvey in Dallas, Jeremy Pitts in Tokyo and Poh Lee Tan in Hong Kong.

Following Cassels’ appointment the London management committee now consists of managing partner Gary Senior, professional development partner John Evason, HR director Martin Blackburn, marketing director Julia Hayhoe, chief financial officer Mark Carter, partner Peter Strivens and Cassels.

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